A couple weeks ago I almost fainted. I was on a field trip for Food Commodities (I just call it my field trip class). They gave us pizza for lunch but for drinks they only had sodas, no water. I was smart and knew I was a little dehydrated so I didn't take a soda.
After lunch we went on a tour through the plant at Welfare Square which produced different dairy products. I walked through 90% of the plant without any problems. I was thirsty but not too terribly, or so I thought. We got into the second to last room and I felt significantly warmer in it. I thought it had to do with the heat from some sort of heat treatment to the product but nope, just me. I felt the blood rush from my face and my vision started fading. I had fainted before so I knew that I needed to sit down and I did. Everyone turned to look at me noticed and how pale I looked. Apparently I looked paler than I usually do.
The group moved from the room and decided the tour should end because of me. There was one last machine before the tour was over. We went up to it and stood in a semi-circle around it. I was standing about thirty seconds when I thought I was going to pass out again. I crouched on the ground and although I don't think so I may have fainted at that point for a couple seconds and didn't realize it. My teacher came up and pulled me up then had me sit on a set of stairs leading up to some equipment. They gave me water and I sat there for a few minutes. The rest of the class went around the machine to see all the parts.
After that everyone went back to get samples of some of their products. I had to continue sitting and drinking water. Then I was taken to the lobby and sat on a chair. I didn't have to wait too long when the rest of the class came to where I was. Luckily someone was thoughtful enough to bring me one of the products they were giving out which was BYU chocolate milk! The sad part of that is because someone else picked I missed out on BYU Cookies 'n Cream milk which I think is even better than regular chocolate milk. Although chocolate milk does hydrate, it is not the best since it has protein and isn't straight water. That meant that I also got BYU orange juice. Since oj is just water with sugar and citric acid it does help to hydrate easily. After that no more problems.
The next Monday I skipped that class because I slept in. I then ran into my teacher a couple hours later and I felt really awkward about the situation. I told him that I was sorry I skipped his class my alarm just didn't go off (there is no way I can wake up for an 8am class without one). As I was telling this my teacher said that he worried about me that weekend. Since we were talking about different things I tried to tie my situation back into what he was saying. I responded saying the reason I missed class did not have to do with my fainting, and that I was fine that weekend. Moments like these make me think I should listen better and not blurt out things.
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