Sunday, December 5, 2010

December Quotes

"I'll just stand in a circle and flirt with all of you. Because being rude... THAT'S ATTRACTIVE!"

"I'm eating your babies." -Kara

"I'm not a credible source! I'm on the same level as wikipedia!" -Anna

"I told my roommate to dye her ramen purple and it looked like brains. I don't have a psychological disorder!" -Anna

"I can make her go away.... As in she won't be able to wake up tomorrow morning." -Laura

"This duck won't fit in my boot!" -Anna

"It's a poor constipated bear. The end." -Anna

"Bless Your Beautiful Hide is the original version of Haven't Met You Yet." -Laura

"If you watch Inception a second time you get more out of it like the Book of Mormon." -Anna

"Let's watch Psych, but only after I drink my body weight in chocolate milk." -Anna
"Let's get down to business to defeat the huns. But you need to have clean teeth for that." -Anna

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